Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Year, New Start

Conscience: The inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action.

I have always considered myself as a thoughtful, intelligent, animal-loving kind of person. At least I did up until a few months ago when I realized how inconsiderate, ignorant, and biased I actually was. As I approach my late twenties, along with my wedding and the hopes to someday raise a family, I have begun thinking alot more about the way I lead my life. I guess we all hit that epiphany at some point in our lives, my time is now.

Evan and I have made a life altering (in the very best way) decision to become vegetarians. In fact, we may even take it a step further and dedicate ourselves to veganism, but we are taking one step at a time, so as not to trip all over our clumsy selves.

This blog will follow our journey, encouraging us to stay committed to this more conscience lifestyle as well as helping our friends and family understand us along the way. I will share my inner thoughts, annoyances, recipes, blunders (inevitable with this bunch), and pretty much anything that has anything to do with this new found level of conscienceness.

*I must apologize in advance for the bad grammar, lack of visual effects, and disorganization that will inevitably ensue. Not being particularly technically savvy, this will be a work in progress.